Rozhovor v Radio Praga

Posted on Čvc 28, 2017 in Novinky |

Thanks to Julia Rios and Radio Praga for their interest in our project. Enjoy complete interview on


ETNOLATINO is a company dedicated to promote the colours, flavours and rhythms of Latin America

Latin America is a large part of the American continent, home to a great number of peoples of different origins and ethnic groups separated by the artificial borders set by the colonisers, yet at the same time united by their language, be it largely Spanish or Portuguese, or in a smaller measure the languages of later colonisers – French, Dutch or British.

The artistic and cultural expressions of these peoples are very rich and varied, but still result in the specific, undeniably rich colours, exquisite flavours and joyful rhythms which characterize all Latin America´s inhabitants, and is manifest in their traditions and the way in which they face their daily lives.

It is our belief that the cultural expressions of our original inhabitants are not very well known or present in today´s over globalised world.

In order to modify this situation, our small company „ETNOLATINO“, following direct contact with remaining members of different ethnic groups of several Latin American countries, is bringing into the Czech Republic a growing range of products to reflect the cultural richness of our ancestors and their descendants.

We believe that the promotion of their culture and art, together with the commercialization of their traditional products – strictly produced under the norms of Fair Trade – might contribute to keep alive the customs and way of life of the Kunas, Wayuus, Cachiquel, Aymarás or Mapuche, – just to mention a few of the ethnic groups of Latin America whose way of life is daily threatened by mass production and globalisation of goods and information.

For further details please contact us at, or see our pages